Programmatic Advertising Agencies (the first one has the highest eCPM)

· 7 min read
Programmatic Advertising Agencies (the first one has the highest eCPM)

Can you imagine Messi asking to be substituted in the 40th minute of a match to attend a meeting about advertising guidelines? Or Taylor Swift dropping the microphone to check if she's been paid for a TV ad she did? Never! The same should apply to you: you shouldn't neglect your app's code to deal with monetization matters. There are people and technology capable of handling it for you through programmatic advertising agencies.

Today, it's very easy to kick off an in-app monetization campaign; what you should focus on is choosing the best option among all the programmatic advertising agencies in the market.

Although making a decision might seem difficult, in this article, we want to show you a list of programmatic advertising agencies that you can sharpen to achieve an optimal level of revenue per thousand impressions (eCPM). Let's go!

What are programmatic advertising agencies?

They are companies specialized in planning, buying, and managing programmatic advertising—automated advertising—through real-time platforms using algorithms and machine learning.

Their role is vital for any publisher because they possess the necessary tools to optimize campaign performance and help them earn more money. How do they achieve this? Let's say they play the role of "cupid" or "link" to connect publishers and advertisers with similar interests.

Each programmatic ad agency uses a variety of data related to demographics, user interests, device type, and general behavior to target advertising to the precise audience.

Entrusting your campaign to a programmatic advertising agency is a wise decision to define the best strategy for you, negotiate the right prices, enhance the value of your inventory, and make real-time adjustments.

Additionally, it's useful for identifying goals and determining the most suitable advertising formats for your campaign.

Role of a programmatic ad agency

From everything mentioned, we can summarize that programmatic advertising agencies are extremely valuable for defining advertising strategies and planning in-app advertising campaigns.

In other words, you may have the best app in the world, but do you know how to monetize it? Do you have a robust user database at hand? Do you have access to global demand? Do you know how to attract premium advertisers without much effort? You don't, but a programmatic ad agency does. They have a whole arsenal of skills at their disposal to ensure your campaign is profitable in terms of revenue, reach, segmentation, and results.

Basically, the role of a programmatic agency is vital for establishing campaign structures and using their technology to apply real-time optimizations that improve performance.

Criteria for choosing a programmatic advertising agency

When we see that in 2024, according to Statista, spending on programmatic advertising will exceed $616 billion, all we can do is desire a slice of that pie, a portion of revenue that helps keep our project afloat.

In such a economically active market, the use of programmatic advertising agencies becomes more relevant to reach the most prominent advertisers. But, what criteria should I evaluate when choosing one of these agencies? Are they all the same? Which one is most suitable for my app type? With the information you'll read next, you'll have a clearer picture:

#1 Experience and Reputation

The first thing you'll do is research the agency's experience and reputation. Check how many years they've been in the market and review their track record, client portfolio, and achieved results.

There are plenty of reviews and references about agencies on the internet, but if that's not enough information, you can contact a publisher or a company that uses their services and inquire about their experience.

#2 Specialization

Although there are many programmatic advertising agencies, something we must say with all the responsibility in the world is: not all of them have the cutting-edge technology to deliver on their promises.

Therefore, ensure that the agency is aware of the latest trends and technologies in the field and has some form of endorsement validating their experience, such as a Google Publisher Partner certificate.

This provides a guarantee that they have a team with high experience and technical competence.

#3 Capabilities

There should be no limits in programmatic advertising. In this sense, consider the services the agency offers and see if they align with your needs.

Do they provide campaign strategy and planning? Do they offer data measurement and optimization services? Do they reach a particular audience or join the global demand, regardless of the niche? All these capabilities should align with your objectives.

#4 Transparency

Transparency is a crucial point in programmatic advertising. Inquire about these points with the agency you wish to choose: transparency of costs, data visibility, payment dates, and the number of real users reached.

It's also important for you to know how to access your campaign data so that you have autonomy in each process.

#5 Segmentation

This is one of the most important points because it signifies the essence of an advertising agency. Check if they have experience in reaching the target audience and if they apply advanced segmentation methods.

There are programmatic ad agencies that apply hyper-segmentation to connect publishers with premium advertisers with similar interests. Additionally, these agencies enable reaching the precise final audience to ensure interaction and thereby maximize the value of each impression.

#6 Personalized Support

Lastly, we can suggest that the programmatic advertising agency you choose has a personalized support channel that addresses any doubts you have in real-time. Why? In in-app programmatic campaigns, unexpected events and technical failures can occur, but with personalized support, you can tackle any issue promptly and apply the best optimizations.

Top programmatic advertising agencies: choose one from this list


Toyota, Visa, Universal Pictures, Apple, and Nike are some of the companies that trust us to showcase their products and services. We are a company created in Argentina by publishers and for publishers, which is why we focus our technology on generating the highest possible profitability.

We have a prepared team and cutting-edge technology that will do everything for you. You'll receive clean ads from global brands that will help elevate your app's reputation and maximize your inventory's value.

We have a Google Partner Publisher certificate and offer strategic hyper-segmentation so that you can reach the world's most prominent advertisers. We achieve this thanks to a robust first-party data database that we've built over many years of study and dedication in programmatic advertising.

We offer a fill rate of over 95% and give you what you desire most: an eCPM higher than what the industry offers, even up to double what AdMob provides. We have more than 15 Open Bidding Partners enabled so that you don't go unnoticed in auctions, and personalized support to address doubts in real-time.

In short, if you're looking for a practical, efficient programmatic ad agency with cutting-edge technology, you can trust Wortise.

Power Digital

According to their website, companies working with them can grow up to 2.6 times faster than the industry average. They are a company with a long history in the market that not only offers programmatic advertising services but also provides digital marketing strategies.

Power Digital is ideal for ads that aim to identify digital gaps to offer their products. They offer comprehensive reports driven by machine learning and promise a high customer retention rate.


This marketing technology company offers a demand-side platform (DSP) to connect with audiences across all possible digital media. They have a technology called Intelligence Brand to measure users' digital engagement and understand their interests.

It allows optimizing advertising campaigns and enables the publisher to focus on other tasks while their app monetizes in real-time. Brands like Lexus or Airbnb trust Amobee to manage their digital products.

Digital Hamster

Digital Hamster combines the power of Spanish technology. It's a programmatic marketing and advertising agency that has managed over €50 million in over 10 years of market experience.

Regarding programmatic advertising, Digital Hamster promises to "impact the right user, at the right time, and on the best site possible." They offer comprehensive campaign management, support, and various ad formats.


Jampp uses machine learning and the benefits of Artificial Intelligence to find premium audiences and generate positive return on investment. With this technology, they analyze contextual signals of behavior to predict future strategies that generate better results.

They use various advertising formats and rotate them to match each offer to the other party. Their slogan is for publishers to focus on code while they handle the toughest tasks.


Moburts is also another giant in programmatic advertising. In 2023, they were awarded Digital Agency of the Year by the Mobile Marketing Association.

Before undertaking any strategy, Moburts analyzes the mobile application and determines its objectives, future vision, and profitability. All actions they take are data-driven so that each campaign optimization drives application growth.


AdColony is a reference in the world of programmatic advertising. It reaches over 1.5 billion users worldwide and offers comprehensive campaign management: support, various formats, real-time auctions, detailed reports, and more.

They have high-value multimedia formats, and their Software Development Kit (SDK) is integrated into the top 1,000 apps globally. Since 2019, they have been emphasizing the mobile gaming industry.


Monetizing each publisher's inventory with premium brand campaigns is one of the main promises of Tappx, a Spanish agency that has more than 1,000 active apps per month in cross-promotion, negotiating ads continuously.

They offer high fill rates and an intuitive dashboard with real-time data, as well as support and guidance in each optimization. According to their website, companies like La Liga, Gameloft, and Terra trust their technology to promote and monetize.

Join Wortise and boost your eCPM: we're the partner you need to monetize

Hello, publisher! We want you to focus on the code and leave all the monetization work in our hands. With Wortise, you can monetize your app safely and transparently with technology aimed at premium audiences.

We have an advanced mediation platform connected to over 100 Ad Networks that boosts every publisher's eCPM.

Leave everything to us! We'll be with you every step of the way, providing 1-1 support and personalized assistance. We're in this together!